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There are a few things in life that I love. I love pushing the boundaries of technology (the first section of this blog) and I love, love love Running. I am not a particularly fast runner, nor do I try to be. I run for a combination of the fitness it gives me as well as the mental release.

My approach to running is perhaps a bit different. When I was young, running got the best run a of me. I could not mile in high school, even though I could swim 3 miles. I also do not run the same route. Being more of a creative type, I like to change things up over time. Particularly, I love running trails when I can.

If future articles in this category I will write about various aspects of my running and little insights I have, including the fitness routine at my gym to balance out my workouts and help support injury-free running. If I inspire someone else to become a runner, all the better. I never pictured myself a runner much of my life, but now it is one of my favorite things to do.