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Shattered Display

You will see a common theme in my writing about technology, and that is an emphasis on simplicity. The system you are deploying should be as simple as possible for the end user to use. Ideally, the user has little or nothing to do at all to use the system.

In an Immersive Space, it’s especially important because the User won’t necessarily know they need to do something, or they will forget. An example is going to the gym and forgetting to turn on workout tracking, if you are one who tracks it.

The reasons are simple. In today’s digital world, we are hammered by distractions all day. Email, texts, calls, and many other applications vie for our attention all day long. Research has shown that even the act of getting a notification and ignoring it, still distracts and reduces productivity. If you process those interruptions, it can significantly degrade your productivity and shatter your creativity. When you are creating or problem solving, your brain needs the focus to think it through and process it.

So, whether you are walking to a meeting at work or working out at the gym, you should be able to focus on what you are doing and what you are going to do next, and not having to mess around needlessly with your phone as well.